Graph Theory Lessons

Graph Theory Lessons

The entire 23 lessons of Graph Theory that utilizes a java software as an investigative tool. The software can draw, edit and manipulate simple graphs, examine properties of the graphs, and demonstrate them using computer animation.

Tag(s): Graph Theory

Publication date: 01 Jun 2004

ISBN-10: n/a

ISBN-13: n/a

Paperback: n/a

Views: 32,338

Type: Textbook

Publisher: n/a

License: n/a

Post time: 26 Aug 2006 04:05:36

Graph Theory Lessons

Graph Theory Lessons The entire 23 lessons of Graph Theory that utilizes a java software as an investigative tool. The software can draw, edit and manipulate simple graphs, examine properties of the graphs, and demonstrate them using computer animation.
Tag(s): Graph Theory
Publication date: 01 Jun 2004
ISBN-10: n/a
ISBN-13: n/a
Paperback: n/a
Views: 32,338
Document Type: Textbook
Publisher: n/a
License: n/a
Post time: 26 Aug 2006 04:05:36
Update 10/11/2017:

The book is no longer available at University of Tennessee at Chattanooga website as Christopher P. Mawata's webpage is no longer there. A mirror is available at UpdateSoft, though I'm not sure about the legality. The download link has been updated.

About the Lessons:

These are the entire 23 lessons of Graph Theory taught in Department of Mathematics University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. It utilizes a java software, Petersen, written by Christopher P. Mawata which can draw, edit and manipulate simple graphs, examine properties of the graphs, and demonstrate them using computer animation. The software can display information about a graph like the number of vertices and their degrees, the adjacency matrix, the number of components, and articulation points. It can find complements of graphs, line graphs, find the chromatic number of a graph, check if a graph is bipartite, check if two graphs are isomorphic or if one graph is a subgraph of another and find the dual graph of a planar graph in many cases. Petersen also demonstrates Euler and Hamilton circuits, searches, and algorithms for finding minimum spanning trees.

The subject matter addressed in these lessons are topics typically found in undergraduate graph theory and discrete structures classes like null graphs, the handshaking lemma, isomorphism, complete graphs, subgraphs, regular graphs, platonic graphs, adjacency matrices, graph coloring, bipartite graphs, simple circuits, Euler and Hamilton circuits, trees, unions and sums of graphs, complements of graphs, line graphs, spanning trees, plane graphs, shortest paths, minimal spanning trees. These topics are central to graph theory and essential to further learning in the area.

Intended Audience and Hardware requirements:

These lessons are targeted at undergraduate beginning classes in Graph Theory. The students who use the software at UTC, the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, are mathematics majors for whom it is an elective course and computer science students for whom it is a required course. It is assumed that the students using the software and lessons have some measure of mathematical sophistication; for instance that they are able to write an induction proof etc. They have done second semester calculus and a course in computer programming. The prerequisite courses give an indication of the level of mathematical maturity assumed. The Petersen software will run under Windows 3.1, Windows 95 or better.

About The Author(s)

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Christopher P. Mawata

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