Red Gate Books

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Books published by Red Gate Books

Brad’s Sure Guide to SQL Server Maintenance Plans

Post date: 26 Apr 2016
A comprehensive tour of two SQL Server tools designed to help DBAs ensure that a "required minimum" level of maintenance takes place on their SQL Server instances: the Maintenance Plan Wizard and the Maintenance Plan Designer.
Publisher: Red Gate Books
Publication date: 18 Jan 2010
Brad’s Sure Guide to SQL Server Maintenance Plans

Brad’s Sure Guide to SQL Server Maintenance Plans

Post date: 26 Apr 2016
A comprehensive tour of two SQL Server tools designed to help DBAs ensure that a "required minimum" level of maintenance takes place on their SQL Server instances: the Maintenance Plan Wizard and the Maintenance Plan Designer.
Publisher: Red Gate Books
Publication date: 18 Jan 2010

Confessions of an IT Manager

Post date: 02 May 2016
Confessions of an IT Manager targets the idiocy, incompetence and overreach of the IT management industry from vantage point all the way up and down the greasy pole.
Publisher: Red Gate Books
Publication date: 06 Apr 2009
Confessions of an IT Manager

Confessions of an IT Manager

Post date: 02 May 2016
Confessions of an IT Manager targets the idiocy, incompetence and overreach of the IT management industry from vantage point all the way up and down the greasy pole.
Publisher: Red Gate Books
Publication date: 06 Apr 2009

Don't Just Roll the Dice - A Usefully Short Guide to Software Pricing (Version 2.0.0)

Post date: 15 Apr 2016
How do you price your software? Is it art, science or magic? How much attention should you pay to your competitors? This handbook will provide you with the theory, practical advice and case studies you need to stop yourself from reaching for the dice.
Don't Just Roll the Dice - A Usefully Short Guide to Software Pricing (Version 2.0.0)

Don't Just Roll the Dice - A Usefully Short Guide to Software Pricing (Version 2.0.0)

Post date: 15 Apr 2016
How do you price your software? Is it art, science or magic? How much attention should you pay to your competitors? This handbook will provide you with the theory, practical advice and case studies you need to stop yourself from reaching for the dice.

How to become an Exceptional DBA, 2nd Edition

Post date: 02 May 2016
The 2nd edition of Brad McGehee's popular "career guide" for DBAs, designed to help new and prospective DBAs find their feet in the profession, and to advise those more-experienced on how they can excel at their jobs, and so become Exceptional DBAs.
Publisher: Red Gate Books
Publication date: 01 Jul 2009
How to become an Exceptional DBA, 2nd Edition

How to become an Exceptional DBA, 2nd Edition

Post date: 02 May 2016
The 2nd edition of Brad McGehee's popular "career guide" for DBAs, designed to help new and prospective DBAs find their feet in the profession, and to advise those more-experienced on how they can excel at their jobs, and so become Exceptional DBAs.
Publisher: Red Gate Books
Publication date: 01 Jul 2009

Performance Tuning With SQL Server Dynamic Management Views

Post date: 25 Apr 2016
This book is here to de-mystify the process of collecting the information you need to troubleshoot SQL Server problems.
Publisher: Red Gate Books
Publication date: 01 Sep 2010
Performance Tuning With SQL Server Dynamic Management Views

Performance Tuning With SQL Server Dynamic Management Views

Post date: 25 Apr 2016
This book is here to de-mystify the process of collecting the information you need to troubleshoot SQL Server problems.
Publisher: Red Gate Books
Publication date: 01 Sep 2010

Protecting SQL Server Data

Post date: 26 Apr 2016
In Protecting SQL Server Data, John Magnabosco demonstrates how sensitive data, stored in SQL Server, can be protected using an efficient and maintainable encryption-based data architecture.
Publisher: Red Gate Books
Publication date: 21 Sep 2009
Protecting SQL Server Data

Protecting SQL Server Data

Post date: 26 Apr 2016
In Protecting SQL Server Data, John Magnabosco demonstrates how sensitive data, stored in SQL Server, can be protected using an efficient and maintainable encryption-based data architecture.
Publisher: Red Gate Books
Publication date: 21 Sep 2009

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