Agile Android Software Development

Agile Android Software Development

This book shows you how to build Android applications using Agile tools and techniques.

Publication date: 01 Apr 2016

ISBN-10: n/a

ISBN-13: n/a

Paperback: n/a

Views: 17,299

Type: Book

Publisher: n/a

License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International

Post time: 31 Mar 2016 12:00:00

Agile Android Software Development

Agile Android Software Development This book shows you how to build Android applications using Agile tools and techniques.
Tag(s): Android Software Engineering
Publication date: 01 Apr 2016
ISBN-10: n/a
ISBN-13: n/a
Paperback: n/a
Views: 17,299
Document Type: Book
Publisher: n/a
License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International
Post time: 31 Mar 2016 12:00:00
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From the Introduction:
Etienne Savard wrote:This book is targeted at experienced software developers who are familiar with at least one Object Oriented Programming (OOP) language, such as C++, C#, or Java. You should also have some basic understanding of source code control (preferably Git), shell scripting and Linux (if you know how to open a command shell, you will do great).

The techniques and tools shared in this book are presented mostly in the context of a team of one—that is, one indie developer who wants to take his Android development workflow to the next level. The concepts presented in this book can also apply to larger teams, but this is not our main audience.

To get the most from this book, you should already have read one or more entry-level books about Android programming (see the following Recommanded References section), and you should already have released one or more Android apps to Google Play.

About The Author(s)

Etienne Savard is a software developer, pragmatic programmer and agile methodologist. His main interests are Android, Ruby on Rails, Agile software development tools and processes. He is currently developing an application for environmental controllers used in the farming industry for Resonika Inc. In his spare time, he contributes to Open Source Projects.

Etienne Savard

Etienne Savard is a software developer, pragmatic programmer and agile methodologist. His main interests are Android, Ruby on Rails, Agile software development tools and processes. He is currently developing an application for environmental controllers used in the farming industry for Resonika Inc. In his spare time, he contributes to Open Source Projects.

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