Blown to Bits: Your Life, Liberty, and Happiness After the Digital Explosion

Blown to Bits: Your Life, Liberty, and Happiness After the Digital Explosion

Provides a unique and informative perspective from the computing industry's greatest minds. A insightful book that helps you understand computers and their impact on the world in a whole new way.

Publication date: 16 Jun 2008

ISBN-10: 0137135599

ISBN-13: 9780137135592

Paperback: 384 pages

Views: 10,473

Type: Book

Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional

License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported

Post time: 16 Mar 2016 08:00:00

Blown to Bits: Your Life, Liberty, and Happiness After the Digital Explosion

Blown to Bits: Your Life, Liberty, and Happiness After the Digital Explosion Provides a unique and informative perspective from the computing industry's greatest minds. A insightful book that helps you understand computers and their impact on the world in a whole new way.
Tag(s): Hackers and Computer Philosophy
Publication date: 16 Jun 2008
ISBN-10: 0137135599
ISBN-13: 9780137135592
Paperback: 384 pages
Views: 10,473
Document Type: Book
Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional
License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
Post time: 16 Mar 2016 08:00:00
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From the Preface:
Harold Abelson, et al. wrote:Right now, governments and the other institutions of human societies are deciding how to use the new possibilities. Each of us is participating as we make decisions for ourselves, for our families, and for people we work with. Everyone needs to know how their world and the world around them is changing as a result of this explosion of digital information. Everyone should know how the decisions will affect their lives, and the lives of their children and grandchildren and everyone who comes after.

That is why we wrote this book.

Each of us has been in the computing field for more than forty years. The book is the product of a lifetime of observing and participating in the changes it has brought. Each of us has been both a teacher and a learner in the field. This book emerged from a general education course we have taught at Harvard, but it is not a textbook. We wrote this book to share what wisdom we have with as many people as we can reach. We try to paint a big picture, with dozens of illuminating anecdotes as the brushstrokes. We aim to entertain you at the same time as we provoke your thinking.

About The Author(s)

Harold "Hal" Abelson is a Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at MIT, a fellow of the IEEE, and a founding director of both Creative Commons and the Free Software Foundation. Abelson holds an AB degree from Princeton University and obtained a PhD degree in mathematics from MIT under the tutelage of mathematician Dennis Sullivan.

Harold Abelson

Harold "Hal" Abelson is a Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at MIT, a fellow of the IEEE, and a founding director of both Creative Commons and the Free Software Foundation. Abelson holds an AB degree from Princeton University and obtained a PhD degree in mathematics from MIT under the tutelage of mathematician Dennis Sullivan.

Ken Ledeen is the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer at Nevo Technologies, Inc., a software development and information technology consulting firm located in Cambridge, Massachusetts. He has served on the boards of numerous public and private technology companies. 

Ken Ledeen

Ken Ledeen is the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer at Nevo Technologies, Inc., a software development and information technology consulting firm located in Cambridge, Massachusetts. He has served on the boards of numerous public and private technology companies. 

Harry Lewis is former Dean of Harvard College and Gordon McKay Professor of Computer Science at Harvard. He is the author of Excellence Without a Soul: Does Liberal Education Have a Future?

Harry Lewis

Harry Lewis is former Dean of Harvard College and Gordon McKay Professor of Computer Science at Harvard. He is the author of Excellence Without a Soul: Does Liberal Education Have a Future?

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