Introduction to Methods of Applied Mathematics

Introduction to Methods of Applied Mathematics

This open source textbook contains material on calculus, functions of a complex variable, ordinary differential equations, partial differential equations and the calculus of variations. Includes exercises and solutions.

Tag(s): Mathematics

Publication date: 24 Jan 2004

ISBN-10: n/a

ISBN-13: n/a

Paperback: 2321 pages

Views: 19,289

Type: Textbook

Publisher: n/a

License: n/a

Post time: 22 Apr 2008 06:58:29

Introduction to Methods of Applied Mathematics

Introduction to Methods of Applied Mathematics This open source textbook contains material on calculus, functions of a complex variable, ordinary differential equations, partial differential equations and the calculus of variations. Includes exercises and solutions.
Tag(s): Mathematics
Publication date: 24 Jan 2004
ISBN-10: n/a
ISBN-13: n/a
Paperback: 2321 pages
Views: 19,289
Document Type: Textbook
Publisher: n/a
License: n/a
Post time: 22 Apr 2008 06:58:29
Excerpts from the Information:
Sean Mauch wrote:For the past few years I have been working on an open source textbook. It contains material on calculus, functions of a complex variable, ordinary differential equations, partial differential equations and the calculus of variations. The text is still under development, but I believe that the current version will be useful for students and instructors.

I am trying to distribute the text to as wide an audience as possible, so please tell all your friends and link to my main page.

By "open source" I mean that all of the source used in the creation of the text is available for download. The LATEX source which comprises the text, the Mathematica notebooks and xfig files used to make the graphics, etc. are all available. I hope this will save instructors time, as they will be able to cut and paste portions of the text to make problem sets, solution sets and handouts.

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Sean Mauch

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